
If I could tOuCh~ I would gently rub time across the neck and dig deep for sensations never felt before~

Could you imaGine daydreams on top of HiLL tops that reach heights beyond eyes can see~ A LaNd ShapEd Like BeaUty

Well eYe Dream ~
Everyday of what life in AfriKa Wud BE~
uNtiL tHen FloAtiNg Under a CArIBbean Sun~

If I could float~ I wonder how many I could take with me~
Now Processing that thought into actions~

(Talia & I.. Mi first helper/assistant~ it was a amazing experience~)

singing 2 mi LullabEez


1 comment:

  1. Lovely magical dreaming...what would life be I'll float with you...and aloha would be all over the world, touching every shore, every soul and every heart, and than we would all dream as one. Peace

    mahalo for the inspiration,
    Hilo, Hawaii
